Frequently asked questions

1. I’m trying to fill in the GMSF online comments, but struggling.
First of all, log in and register with them.
2. I’ve done this but now I’m overwhelmed – it’s such a big document – 240 pages! Do I have to wade through all this?
No! either scroll down the blue-shaded menu on the left of the screen, or use our quick links that take you to the relevant areas.

But once you’ve commented to the planners about your own localities, you might just like to browse through other parts of their document. You will soon discover that the planners are making bold claims for protecting the green belt and its biodiversity, which is at loggerheads with their plans for our locality! So you can comment on these issues.

3. The online method is too complex. Are there any other, easier ways to object?

Yes! Go to our page: Choose how to respond.

4. Oops! I’ve submitted my online response and it won’t let me add anything more.But I’ve more to say. Is this possible?

Yes! Email them direct to the planners at: [remember to add your name, address and postcode]

Or by Post: [remember to include your name, address and postcode]: Greater Manchester
Integrated Support Team, PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA
– but allow for delays due to the Christmas post.

5. Are these plans likely to go ahead? Can we expect the bulldozers?

Although we can’t predict this, the planners will notice which of the plans provoke a big
negative community reaction. Some areas have little community response so far. Let’s not
be one of those. Rather, this is a time to make our voices heard!

6. I’ve missed the deadline of 23rd December! Is it too late?

Send it anyway, either by email or regular post (see point 4 above for these). The planners
are hardly likely to be working through all these over the Christmas holidays. However, don’t
use this as an excuse to delay. If they are strict, they could bin your objection

7. How can I get more draft response forms?
These are available at the drop-off point shops. Or print one off from our web page draft-letter-for-community-to-gmsf

8. What about the Roe Cross sites?
They seem to have been spared – for now. But the land is part of the former Stamford estates, so who knows what the future will bring? If you are part of this area, we welcome your active involvement, helping the community there to keep informed

9. Are the plans for housing on Mottram’s green belt instead of the by-pass there?
This is a common question! The answer is no – there is room for both. The plans we have shown you are for housing, not transport, and the planners have not indicvated the by-pass

10. Godley Green and Sidebottom Fold sites are both off Mottram Old Road. Are theyin the same area?
No – there are two Mottram Old Roads.
– one is on the south side of Mottram, going towards Gee Cross. It’s the southward continuation of Stockport Road.
– the other is in Stalybridge, on the greenbelt between Mottram Rise estate and the Copley Estate.